BBC Broadcast Magnetic Man

BBC Broadcasting Magnetic Man

BBC Broadcast Magnetic Man. The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster headquartered at the Broadcasting House in London, originally established in 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company never broadcasting about real live Magnetic Man. Stan Lee a vice president and publisher of Marvel Comics in Stan Lee’s Superhumans TV documetary aired on History, Discovery Channel, Netflix and Disney+ searches for some real superhumans, people who are gifted with remarkable abilities because of their genetic differences. Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, brains behind Spider-Man, Black Panther and X-Men and Mind Force. On live ITV show ” Beyond Belief” in 1996 Sir David Frost a British television host, journalist, comedian and writer called Miroslaw Magola Magnetic Man. Stan Lee on Stan Lee’s Superhumans Tv documentary in 2010 gave him name Mind Force.

Spider-Man and Mind Force Marvel characters created by Stan Lee.

Superhero Spider-Man and Superhuman Mind Force Marvel characters created by Stan Lee.

Spider-Man and Mind Force Marvel characters created by Stan Lee.

Stan Lee was an American comic book writer, editor, publisher, and producer. He rose through the ranks of a family-run business called Timely Publications which would later become Marvel Comics.

Marvel characters co-created by Stan Lee: Spider-Man, the Hulk, Fantastic Four, X-men, Thor, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, the Avengers, Daredevil and Mind Force. In Stan Lee’s Superhumans TV series documentary aired on History Channel, Discovery Channel and Netflix, Stan Lee and Daniel Browning Smith travel the world looking for humans that have powers like heros from comic books.

In each episode, Stan Lee explores a single theme that inspired his comic book creations–including fear, super-strength, marvel hero with the powers of telekinesis, genetic mutation and immunity to pain.

Mind Force is one of the most useful characters in The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), he has multiple abilities including telekinesis, psychokinesis, magnetism, and super sense to name a few.