BBC Broadcast Magnetic Man

BBC Broadcasting Magnetic Man

BBC Broadcast Magnetic Man. The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster headquartered at the Broadcasting House in London, originally established in 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company never broadcasting about real live Magnetic Man. Stan Lee a vice president and publisher of Marvel Comics in Stan Lee’s Superhumans TV documetary aired on History, Discovery Channel, Netflix and Disney+ searches for some real superhumans, people who are gifted with remarkable abilities because of their genetic differences. Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, brains behind Spider-Man, Black Panther and X-Men and Mind Force. On live ITV show ” Beyond Belief” in 1996 Sir David Frost a British television host, journalist, comedian and writer called Miroslaw Magola Magnetic Man. Stan Lee on Stan Lee’s Superhumans Tv documentary in 2010 gave him name Mind Force.

World’s media now acknowledges and recognizes the many magnetic people in the world.

A Foto of one of my seminars, "expanding our consciousness".

A Photo of one of my seminars, “expanding our consciousness”.

Presently many of the worlds media like the BBC, The Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Doscovery Channel, History Channel, many blogs and social media are featuring and writing about the many people who have the ability to attract objects to their body.
When I first discovered my gift 25 years ago, there was no highly developed, widespread Internet, now however, with the sophistication of this media and with the publicity it provides, has inspired many people to discover that they also have this gift, so that today in the world there are a whole host of “magnetic people”.
Many children unencumbered by prejudice and skepticism have come to this ability naturally and some children can even raise objects from the ground against gravity a further step from a purely sticking phenomena. This levitation completely negates the arguments of skeptics who are preoccupied seemingly with adhesives etc. the use of talcum powder, and the major criticism has always been no objects are raised or levitated only just stuck on the surface of the body.
I am very happy with this growth, however I would like to see and I am confident that I will see, in the future, the very near future, some of these people develop their brain’s conscious power to focus not just to stick objects or levitated objects, a mere trick, but you “will” other events such as telekinetic events and acts, that is, but to create a vehicle for doing good works.
Currently scientists in the field of physics specifically quantum mechanics have said that there is or are no limitations in realizing these goals.
My conscious development is facilitated by my own meditative process not unlike some yoga practices. These exercises and steps I have described in intimate detail along with scientific tests that have been conducted by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ruhenstroth-Bauer, biochemists at the German Max Planck Institute, Dr. Friedbert Karger, plasma physicist at the German Max Planck Institute, Dr. David Lewis, neurophysiologist at UK’s renowned neuro-research center MindLab and Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia; in my book titled “Altered States of Consciousness”, a journey to the limits of the thinkable.