BBC Broadcast Magnetic Man

BBC Broadcasting Magnetic Man

BBC Broadcast Magnetic Man. The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster headquartered at the Broadcasting House in London, originally established in 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company never broadcasting about real live Magnetic Man. Stan Lee a vice president and publisher of Marvel Comics in Stan Lee’s Superhumans TV documetary aired on History, Discovery Channel, Netflix and Disney+ searches for some real superhumans, people who are gifted with remarkable abilities because of their genetic differences. Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, brains behind Spider-Man, Black Panther and X-Men and Mind Force. On live ITV show ” Beyond Belief” in 1996 Sir David Frost a British television host, journalist, comedian and writer called Miroslaw Magola Magnetic Man. Stan Lee on Stan Lee’s Superhumans Tv documentary in 2010 gave him name Mind Force.

Netflix Quantum Physics String Theory Consciousness movie.

Netflix Quantum Physics String Theory Consciousness Movie

Netflix Quantum Physics String Theory Consciousness movie.

Dr. John Hagelin, CERN researcher & Harvard Physicist, discusses the quantum effect within the brain’s neurons.

Quantum Mechanics Needs a New Theory – Sir Roger Penrose.

Physicist Brian Greene explains superstring theory, the idea that miniscule strands of energy.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: We Might Be Living in Higher Dimensions… but Our Senses Can’t Tell Yet.

The co-founder of Field String Theory Michio Kaku explains why the universe has 11 dimensions rather than any other number.

The Unification of Mind and Matter with Brian Josephson a Nobel Laureate physicist who is director of Brian Josephson Project at Cambridge University.

John Bell himself explains the implications of his inequality duding a talk organized by Antoine Suarez (Center for Quantum Philosophy) at CERN. Nonlocality cannot be avoided. The EPR experiment does not invalidate quantum mechanics. The “connection” between measurements of “distant” entangled particles may not be “action at a distance,” as Einstein feared, but Bell finds no satisfactory explanation.

Henry Stapp – Solutions to the Mind-Body Problem.

Philosopher of physics David Albert and physicist Neil Turok, discuss the problem of observation in quantum physics.

David Bohm viewed quantum theory and relativity as contradictory, which implied a more fundamental level in the universe. He claimed both quantum theory and relativity pointed towards this deeper theory, which he formulated as a quantum field theory.

Rupert Sheldrake who studied at both Harvard and Cambridge University, and been a Research Fellow of the Royal Society here in London. He is well known for your theory of Morphic Resonance.